
Lamp Washing

We clean all your lamps, big and small!

We clean all your lamps, big and small! Glass fixtures add a beautiful accent to any room, but like other types of glass, they can collect dust and dirt over time, making them look dull and less attractive. We will clean your glass fixtures and lamps. Then they will sparkle again.

How We Wash a Crystal Chandelier

How to clean a crystal chandelier WITHOUT REMOVING the crystals!

  • We prepare the work area by moving any furniture or accessories that are directly under the chandelier.

  • We put a plastic sheet or a plastic sheet on the floor to catch any drops that could ruin the floor or carpet.

  • Then the lamp attendant places a sturdy ladder or stair stool a little outside the center on one side of the chandelier where you can easily reach the crystals.

    Tip: We make sure to use a ladder that is high enough so that we can work comfortably.

  • We unscrew the bulbs so that they cool down completely before they are to be cleaned.

  • Dust the chandelier and we use a duster of feather, lambswool or microfiber to remove as much dust and cobwebs as possible.

  • Then we dust off the fixture, bulbs and crystals.

  • We mix our own cleaning solution (isopropyl alcohol to four parts distilled water), to get the best results. Mix the alcohol and water in a spray bottle for easy application.

  • Before we climb the ladder, we have an apron with large pockets to hold the spray bottle and the cloths you need to clean the crystals.

  • We always have a few hooks on our ladders so that we can hang the supplies in a plastic bucket for easy access.

  • Before we climb the ladder, we have an apron with large pockets to hold the spray bottle and the cloths you need to clean the crystals.We always have a few hooks on our ladders so that we can hang the supplies in a plastic bucket for easy access.

  • Clean part of the chandelier after climbing the ladder, spray a cloth with a small amount of the glass cleaning solution. Wipe down all sides of the crystal, then switch to a dry, lint-free microfiber cloth to dry the crystal. We do not spray the glass cleaner directly onto the crystal as it may damage the finish of the chandelier. Before moving on to the next section, we wipe off all the dust that remains on the fixture or bulbs with a dry cloth.

  • We don't leave the ladder in one place and spin or rotate the fixture so you can easily clean each section. Spinning the fixture can damage the cables and compromise the stability of the installation.

  • We move the ladder and repeat, climb down, move the ladder to the next section and repeat the cleaning steps until all the crystals and fixture are completely clean.

    Efter denna varsamma behandling kommer eran kristallkrona skina likt solen när lamporna tänds!

    Titta gärna på bilderna nedan och se hur det går till.

How We Wash a Crystal Chandelier

How to clean a crystal chandelier with REMOVING the crystals!

If the crystals on the chandelier are very dirty, it may be necessary and easier to clean them from the base fixture.

  • Prepare the workplace, place a padded moving blanket or quilt directly under the chandelier in case you drop one of the crystals when we remove them.

  • Place the ladder on the felt slightly outside the center of the fixture. Turn off the wall switch or turn off the breaker. Allow the lights to cool down.

  • In addition to dust cloths, we use pliers that are in an apron pocket or bucket on the ladder.

  • We need the pliers to loosen the crystals.

  • If the chandelier has lots of crystals of different sizes, it is good to take digital pictures of the fixture before removing the crystals.

  • We shoot from multiple angles to help us remember how to replace the crystals in the right place.

  • Ta bort kristallerna och arbeta på en liten sektion i taget, ta bort kristallerna från fixturen. Placera dem i en stor ficka eller hink.

  • Once the section is free of crystals, use a dry cloth to dust the fixture and bulbs before moving the ladder to the next section.

  • Wash the crystals and fill a sink or a large plastic tub with warm water and a few drops of dish soap.

  • Line the tub with a towel to prevent the crystals from getting into shavings.

  • Wash each crystal with a soft cloth or sponge.

  • Rinse well with cold water and dry with a lint-free microfiber cloth.

  • Sätt ihop ljuskronan igen och vi följer bilder för att återmontera ljuskronans kristaller korrekt.

  • Wear a pair of white cotton gloves to prevent fingerprint smudges.

Tips; for keeping your chandelier looking its best: Dust the chandelier regularly to prevent heavy buildup.

Do not use ammonia-based cleaners that can contaminate the surface of some fixtures. Consider changing light bulbs while doing

A thorough cleaning although they are still working to salvage a trip back up the ladder! When to call a professional

If you don't have a ladder that can easily reach the chandelier or you're unsure about heights, call a professional cleaning service.